What is Life?

Consciousness and fake science.

There are two principal parts that make up what we know as consciousness. The first is mistakenly what scientists and the western world at large refer to when they talk about our consciousness and these misunderstandings arise from certain materialistic Greek philosophers such as Aristotle who seemed obsessed with the idea of ‘thought’ being the be all and end all of the universe, and who could see no further than beyond the concerns of mere humanity.  Aristotle’s narrowly human depiction of wisdom was echoed by the, more modern, ironically termed ‘enlightenment’ scientists-philosophers such as Descartes who declared “Je pense donc je suis” I think therefore I am. This sad piece of misunderstanding chimed in with other sad pieces of misunderstanding Descartes had when he referred to animals as being mere ‘machines’.

Unfortunately Descartes was well connected and part of the 19th Century agenda to destroy the church and usher in the modern materialists order of things.  These scientists were not theologians and were creatures of a tradition which does not understand the spirit so attempted to deny it. This simple piece of blasphemy Jesus warned us about, ‘the only blasphemy is against the holy spirit’, by which Jesus means our own spiritual nature, if we deny that, then we literally deny ourselves of understanding and the means to transcend this world of pain toil and corruption. It is no coincidence that we live in a literal world of confusion. Every now and then a scientist claims to have found the mystery of life or the building blocks of life or some magical God particle and every time it turns out to be just another piece of the puzzle. The mystery of life is that first of all ‘life’ as we know it is actually a spirit which lives within matter for a duration of time, then when the physical container breaks down with age the spirit returns to its origin. Many people have trouble believing  this to be the case and this is wholly thanks to the work of the modern scientists. They see a cruel world full of pain and they say ‘how can God allow this to happen?’ well my answer isn’t that God allowed this to happen, it’s that our so called leaders have made this happen. They didn’t consult God on the matter at all. This is exactly what the Bavarian Illuminati of 1776 professed to believe and within only two hundred years they have thoroughly achieved their goal of blaming God for all the problems in the world and in revenge they encourage society to stop believing such a thing as God even existsIt is also the belief of the Yezidi or devil worshippers of Iraq, it is also the view of modern Satanists who believe that neither the God nor the devil actually exists. We tend to find the sort of people who have started these ‘satanic’ or God killing cults, were people who were severely traumatised at some point in their lives. 

The founder of the Jesuits, Ignacio Loyola, was injured by a French cannonball during the siege of Pamplona, his broken leg was badly set, and had to be broken and reset again. This bad surgery left him deformed and made him walk with a permanent limp. At this point he underwent his ‘religious’ conversion, but personally I believe the combination of the battle and the trauma of the wound, turned him into some kind of crazed psychopath.  And so he created one of the most infamously deadly and duplicitous organisations to have plagued mankind: The Jesuits. Likewise if you look at someone like Adolf Hitler, we find a childhood of trauma inflicted by his overbearing, drunkard father which seems all to swell to a crisis of hysteria when he is temporarily blinded in a gas attack during World War One. Stalin too was mercilessly beaten as a boy by his father, according to the memoirs of Stalin’s own mother the following conversation took place:
“What are you now?” she asked.
“Remember the Tsar?” he asked. She did. “Well, I’m something like that.”
“So..” Stalin Asked, “why did you let Dad beat me so much when I was young?”
She shrugged. “We must have done the right thing-look how far you’ve come!”

The image which his mother creates of the young Stalin, is of a little boy terrorised by the sound of his father’s arrival at the family home, who hides behind his mother’s skirts to avoid his cruelty. A boy plagued by poverty, crippled by a series of illnesses and accidents.
At last perhaps, with this perspective we can finally (almost) begin to understand what has happened to these tyrants to make them the bogeymen of our world. It is simply a cycle of abuse which is being perpetuated.  One comes a little closer to perhaps forgiving these monsters, but one wonders, do these people even seek forgiveness? Have they been so far expelled by brutality, into the outer darkness of existence to even understand morality anymore?

So many of these modern psychopaths are said to have doting mothers who smother them with affection, contrasted with violent and often alcoholic fathers. In his studies of alcoholics encountered at mental institutions, RP Knight comes to the conclusion that a major cause of psychological dysfunction is:
“A parental background characterized by inconsistency and a lack of unanimity in parental discipline resulting in conflicting unstable identifications in the son.”

Perhaps it would be simpler to refer to someone like Carl Jung in seeking to find an explanation for the root cause of evil people:
“It is a fact that cannot be denied:  the wickedness of others becomes our own wickedness because it kindles something evil in our own hearts.”

We will investigate the psychopathic personality more fully in a later chapter, but to return to Descartes. The mistake he makes becomes obvious, at least with a little reflection. Namely that I think therefore I am, presumably also means if I don’t think therefore I cease to exist. Thoughts are made up of words, it is necessary to have some kind of language in order to think, language is a collection of sounds used to convey and articulate a series of feelings, impressions, emotions and labels, about the world we live in. Thinking is putting these together in different combinations in order to analyse something about the world we live in. However very young children have no language and therefore it can be surmised that they don’t ‘think’ as such yet they very much alive. A new born child will just absorb impression of the world around them along with data from the physical body, such as hunger, fatigue, frustration, but it cannot think yet because it cannot make a collection of ideas and analyse them.  The continuous trammel of thoughts that we all have going through our heads pretty much constantly is not a prerequisite to being alive. So thoughts are a result of being alive rather than the other way around. So this tends to be what happens when scientists who are more suited to analysing numbers and compounds in a crucible attempt to expound on the nature of existence itself, they are simply not qualified to so because they focus solely on what is physically observable  phenomenon, they are not allowed to infer anything from what they observe they can only make things happen that they already understand, they use inductive reasoning.

That fact that thoughts and consciousness are two different things clearly never  occurred to Descartes’ Cartesian mind. It is very simple to demonstrate through meditation. Zen meditation is about trying to rid the soul of the constant overlay of random thoughts and emotions, quelling the firing neurons and quietening the brain. It is at this point that something remarkable starts to happen.
However, reaching this stage takes months and months of work,  and is very mentally tiring, but if you practice the technique of trying to silence your thoughts before bed, you will find it such hard work, such a constant unending battle, that you will have no trouble falling asleep pretty soon afterwards. However if you were to try it the next night you would start to notice an appreciable improvement in your ability and with time even your ability to focus and concentrate your attention on a task will improve. This is your ‘focus’ (or what various creepy Occult orders would call ‘the will’) and it is very important that you maintain a strong ability to concentrate throughout your life. All accidents are the result of someone’s loss of focus, whether a car accident where the driver was distracted by something and not paying attention to the road, or when you cut your finger peeling potatoes, we all know why they happen, it’s because we weren’t paying enough attention, for one second we are somewhere else and suddenly ‘ouch’. 

If we learn to improve our focus through meditation or yoga then immediately we see the benefits; we feel less on edge and more relaxed, more able to drive your mind where you want it to go rather than having your mind dictate to you how you should be feeling or what you should be doing. Toxic emotions like jealousy, anger and hatred can be easily shaken away and dispelled from the mind, instead of settling in and poisoning the body and soul. ‘What comes out of a man’s mouth is in his heart’ which means eventually what you ruminate on will eventually come out in your words and conversation. If you have angry thoughts then it goes without saying that these will inform your speech, probably to your detriment.

A clarification of Descartes ‘I am’ness, would be not to say I think therefore I am, but I am aware therefore I am. If we allow ‘awareness’ rather than thought as a key indicator of something having ‘isness’, then we suddenly find that life opens up to us much more and some of the previous mysteries of science solve themselves. If consciousness, rather than thought, were the motor of existence then suddenly for the first time we start to understand mother nature much better too. We are told that plants are alive and we water them, see them grow, but apart from that the inner sensation of the nature of this life eludes us. They certainly have no brain so no thoughts but they are alive all the same, if they receive injuries then they attempt to repair themselves, when the sun shines they stretch out towards it and open their leaves, how on earth can they carry out all these complicated movements and reactions without any kind of motor? What is it that makes plants alive and able to interact with their environment is a similar way to humans?  They feed, they drink and they move (within the confinements of their root system), they reproduce and they breathe. They are literally alive without thoughts, or a brain, but in every other respect that exist just like we do. 

The key word to solving this mystery is ‘awareness’. Plants may not think but they are aware. This goes without saying. A plant is aware for example, of the nature of the soil it is planted in, some plants change sex if the conditions of their pot are too cramped for example, anyone who has successfully and unsuccessfully grown dope plants know that the oily potent THC yielding female plants will turn male if they feel the conditions in the pot are not conducive to the growth of more plants . Plants are aware of the sun, they are aware of the rain, and they react as a result. A plant which was not aware of the sun, nor the rain, would simply not survive. In fact without any rudimentary awareness, it is questionable as to whether it could be called alive in the first place.

Every living thing is aware to some degree. If we were to step up from the example of plants and examine ants we would immediately see an extremely high level of constant awareness regarding the condition of their nest, the proximity of predators and condition and feeding of the young. Yet these tiny creatures are so much smaller than us and their motor for existence eludes us. Even now scientists are stumped at trying to identify the motor which drives these creatures’ complex societies, they have no books, no words and only very primitive brains so how is it possible that these creatures are able to organise themselves so harmoniously so that every member is working perfectly for the good of the whole. Where is the overview? Who is the organiser of the rabble of ants, such an intelligence would be beyond that of most humans.  The organiser is one thing like the ‘awareness’ of the nest of ants as a group consciousness. A hive mind.  The mass of ants act as a group awareness or group consciousness, the antennae of the ant being constantly used to tune into this mass consciousness and receive their instructions. 

So hopefully now we can appreciate that thinking is NOT consciousness but is actually a product of it but not the cause.

The human brain might be described in terms of cellular functions and neuro chemical interactions but this process does not explain human consciousness, a capacity which far exceeds simple neural function. This grandiose piece of rare scientific common sense comes not from any well known real scientist, but from Data from Star Trek. TV shows of this type fortunately invested science with a real awareness of its limitations, and this was a common theme of the TV show Star Trek, acquiescent awe before the unknowable, such as the stalwart Mr Worf: “There are things we do not understand, yet they exist nonetheless.”   
Establishment scientists like Darwin, and Dawkins refute the unknowable by claiming it simply doesn’t exist and refusing to talk about it. They have become so dependent on Maya that they no longer see it as an illusion but as the only reality. Such is the nature of the illusion, the more you invest your focus on it the more real it becomes. More of your awareness and consciousness becomes absorbed by the many million of trivialities and problems the world continually fires out at us, and yet this is how ‘the system’ survives, we live in a new emergent world empire, like the Roman empire it will drain the produce and tax those it enslaves in order to feed itself and swell its dominion all the more. The production arm of the empire needs our labour to sustain it, in return it allows us to live my giving us money. 

The other arm of this empire is of a different nature however, this is the realm of the ideas which sustain the empire and allow it to grow. These are disseminated in the media as the films, songs and television shows bestowed on us by a sacred aristocracy of rich famous people who always seem happy well fed and contented except when they’re acting, (while on the other hand there are rumours about something very nasty at the heart of show business) these feed down to the public at large who absorb these ideas and suggestions subliminally. The TV shows Big Brother is intended to acclimatise and implicate the viewer into a surveillance empire, which is happening more and more concurrently with the show. Is it not a strange coincidence that at the same time a TV show has cameras spying on people we now have councils spying on people inside their own homes, let alone in their rubbish bins? Indeed it is no coincidence  but merely the revelation of the method through the media, once we accept the precept of intimate surveillance and even start to enjoy it as entertainment, then it will become ingrained as one of the accepted norms of society. That says it all about our councils, that’s where they really belong, in the trash. I don’t know what we need them for but as far as I can tell the only really useful service they provide is taking away the rubbish. Why don’t they just stick at that and shut their traps about everything else?


  1. Very good as this need's elucidation about the vmapire's of money lender's and the evil British Vampire Empire who financed and proped up and encouraged evil mass murder of the immature Altricial Humanity . gccoopuk cr tm Jan 2016 Thanks

  2. Thanks Captain Raj....all the best for 2016...good luck out there...


Hi folks, please leave a message after the beep, and I will get back to you. BEEEEEEP!

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


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For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.